Saccardo GCF S.r.l.u

Italy, Schio
Component supplier
50-99 employees
Saccardo GCF S.r.l.u is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

Saccardo offers high speed electro-spindles specially designed for assembly on robotic arms. A wide range of tailor-made products for marble, wood, plastic, advanced materials, glass, stone and metal processing.

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Company details


Via Lago di Costanza, 67/69
36015 Schio

No phone number given


This supplier has not yet informed about any brands

Company competencies

Solution types

Machining & Shearing

Finishing & Sanding

Target industries


Metal & Machinery

Customer references

This supplier has not yet informed about any customer references

Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

Via Lago di Costanza, 67/69
36015 Schio

Contact persons

This supplier has not yet informed about any contact persons