The Gripper Company ApS

Denmark, Nr. Sundby
Robot manufacturer
0-9 employees
The Gripper Company ApS is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

First and foremost The Gripper Company, provides a novel concept of bionic end-effectors for industrial material handling robotics. Each of our gripper solutions are instances of a modular platform, making them inexpensively configured for optimal performance under given circumstances.

The Gripper Company is founded by the Danish Hjørnet family, with more than three decades of expertise and competence in bionic gripping technology incorporated. We have developed and integrated robotic automation solutions across industries, from food manufacturing to waste management to appliances. With many years of hands-on experience, we are now ready to offer our unique gripping technology as commercially available for the automation industry at large.

Company details


9400 Nr. Sundby


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Company competencies

Solution types

Assembly & Dispensing

Logistics & Storage

Handling & Picking

Finishing & Sanding

Machining & Shearing

Target industries

Agriculture & Forestry


Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage



Metal & Machinery

Pharma & Chemistry



Rubber & Plastic

Customer references

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Robot catalogue

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Company addresses

Head office

9400 Nr. Sundby

Contact persons

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