
Netherlands, Delft
Component supplier
20-49 employees


Fizyr is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

Fizyr designs, builds, installs, and maintains the world’s best vision software product for automated picking and placing in harsh logistics environments. Our deep learning algorithms are used to enable automated handling of unknown objects varying in shape, size, color, material, and stacking, being picked from (conveyed) bulk.


We started in 2014 as ‘Delft Robotics’, a TU Delft spin-off founded by Professor Martijn Wisse, as a system integrator building robotic picking cells. In 2016, we participated in and won both competitions of the Amazon Picking challenge, mainly due to our track record in applying deep learning. This led to the company pivoting towards a deep learning computer vision software-only product and re-branding to Fizyr in 2017.


We are trusted as a strategic partner by global leading integrators, thanks to its fully scalable and proven software-only product, for which we provide full insight and control to install, manage, update and support. We empower system integrators to build cutting-edge solutions for the industry’s end users, in multiple high-demand industries, such as e-commerce, micro-fulfilment, parcel handling and more. This is what makes us truly unique which led to us growing successfully bootstrapped till January 2020! Up to this day, we remain dedicated to creating true value for our partners, so that they can create cutting-edge logistics solutions for their clients.

Company details


Julianalaan 67A
2628BC Delft


This supplier has not yet informed about any brands

Company competencies

Solution types

Logistics & Storage

Handling & Picking

Target industries



Customer references

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Robot catalogue

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Company addresses

Head office

Julianalaan 67A
2628BC Delft

Contact persons

This supplier has not yet informed about any contact persons