Automate Mechatronic Systems

India, Kolhapur
0-9 employees
Automate Mechatronic Systems is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

AUTOMATE, established in 2019, is a emerging company engaged in providing process automation solutions using Robotics, PLC, SCADA & SPMs. Our Team is our key strength with experience over 15 years in the field of Robotics, Instrumentation and Control Systems. Having 20+ successful installations, we are open to new challenges & opportunities.


Our work ethics, transparency & commitment towards our project delivery is earning us, a new clients to our strengths. Our highly skilled team with core knowledge, suitable experience, enables us to understand client's automation requirements and precisely design a cost-effective concept and quality systems.

Company details


H.No.30, Kanerkar nagar, Phulewadi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Kolhapur 416012


This supplier has not yet informed about any brands

Company competencies

Solution types

Assembly & Dispensing

Machining & Shearing

Logistics & Storage

Handling & Picking

Finishing & Sanding

Target industries


Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage


Metal & Machinery


Customer references

This supplier has not yet informed about any customer references

Robot catalogue

This supplier has not yet informed about any products

Company addresses

Head office

H.No.30, Kanerkar nagar, Phulewadi, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
416012 Kolhapur

Contact persons

This supplier has not yet informed about any contact persons