Raion Automatyka

Poland, Poznań
20-49 employees
Raion Automatyka is a validated HowToRobot supplier

This supplier's business information has been validated by the supplier

Company description

We are a company with many years of experience designing and producing control systems for various types of machines and production lines. We implement projects from advanced, multi-axis numerically controlled CNC machines, wide range of robotic solutions, through complex internal transport systems, to control of simple devices and machines. We have experience in the implementation of projects for many industries:


- metal industry (numerical CNC bending machines for smooth, spring, reinforcing wire 2D and 3D, numerical CNC bending machines for a flat bar or hoop iron, pipe benders, numerical hole cutters, assembly machines and welding cells, rotary tables, longitudinal and cross saws, "flying" saws ", palletizers, depalletizers and many more)


- automotive industry (assembly machines and manipulators, control and measuring machines, hydraulic presses, automatic car washes, riveting lines and many others)


- food industry (advanced internal transport systems - cardboard boxes, packages, cans, bottling lines, capping machines, end caps, labeling machines, packaging machines, palletizers, depalletizers, manipulators and others)


- furniture industry (numerical CNC machines for cutting foam, presses and assembly machines, and others)


- chemical and cosmetic industry (advanced DCS process control systems, internal transport systems, labeling machines, packaging machines, manipulators and others)


- and others


Company details


Główna 10
61-005 Poznań


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Company competencies

Solution types

Assembly & Dispensing

Finishing & Sanding

Handling & Picking

Inspection & Quality Control

Logistics & Storage

Machining & Shearing

Painting & Coating


Target industries



Electronics & Technology

Food & Beverage



Metal & Machinery


Pharma & Chemistry


Rubber & Plastic

Customer references

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Robot catalogue

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Company addresses

Head office

Główna 10
61-005 Poznań

Contact persons

Paweł Siłakowski

Technical Director

p.silakowski@raion.net.pl +48607845930