Robot and Automation Companies in the UK

Market Report

Market Report of Robot and Automation Companies in the UK

Robot and Automation Companies in the UK

Overview of 480 robot and automation suppliers in the UK.

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Market report 2023: UK

This report contains statistics about 480 robot & automation suppliers in the UK. 

The KEY INSIGHTS version includes:

  • Statistics and key insights (PDF)

The 2023 edition of the #HowToRobot supplier market report for the UK is out. The report provides an overview of the 480 robot and automation suppliers in the UK and shows detailed information about who they are and what robot brands they work with.

Who do you call about robots and automation in the UK?

Readers will find contact information for each supplier as well as information about which industries they serve, what type of robots they’re focusing on, and what robot brands they’re working with.

End customers use the report for finding suppliers for automation projects, while robotics businesses use it to find new local partners and resellers of their products.

Highlights from the report

The report provides new previously unpublished insights into the British robot and automation market. A few highlights from the report:

The report shows a total of 480 suppliers spread over 601 locations in the UK:

  • 10 advisor
  • 23 distributors
  • 311 integrators
  • 48 robot manufacturers
  • 88 sub-component suppliers

Top 3 robot brands used by most suppliers: 

  • ABB
  • KUKA

Top 3 target industries for most suppliers:

Industries in the UK

For the complete overview with data, including contact information, for each of the 601 suppliers, purchase the full report (237 pages).

The report is based on data and research conducted by